According to the Goods and Services Tax Act 2017, any business in India with a turnover of 40 Lakhs and above must register for GST. There is a slight change when it comes to the North-eastern and hill states, the turnover threshold for them for GST registration is 10 Lakhs.
GST is something that cannot be taken lightly as it is the Goods and Services Tax that has replaced many indirect tax laws that existed earlier in India. When it comes to documentation, it is of utmost importance to have all the original documents at the time of registration. Here is a list of documents that are mandatory for Proprietorship Concerns:
Documents required :
- Pan card
- Aadhaar card
- Bank statement, Cancel cheque in which Assessee name is printed.
- Electricity Bill
- Proof of Address for Place of Business:
a. If Owned – Property Tax Receipt/ Electricity Bill/ Government document
b. Rented – Rent Agreement
c. Consent – Consent Letter/ NOC
d. Any Other document - Photo of Assesses
- E-mail id and Mobile Number
- Nature of Goods and Services provided by the Assesses
If you are looking for documents for GST registration for Partner ship concerns click here.